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Sowing the Seeds


Last week we made a big promise, that from now on you would get a weekly blog post. Yesterday I sat down to write and I just couldn't start anything. I wanted to talk to you about seeds and seed starting but nothing clicked! This morning that changed.

This morning, I went downstairs to turn on the lights to all our little seedling babies and came upstairs to spend a little time in my bible study. This week my study is focusing on patience, we could all use a little more of that right!? Today was all about Luke 8, more specifically the Parable of the Sower. As I read through that passage and did my Bible study it clicked! It seems so simple, so mundane for us to write a blog about growing seeds. Most people know that to grow seeds you need dirt, you need water, and you need a seed! That's the easy part. The rest, that is the messy we are going to talk about today. That bible passage talks about how the sower spread seed several places on the path it was trampled, on the rock it grew but then didn't have enough moisture.

What does this have to do with our growing season? Not even just the growing season, but life! Later on Jesus goes to explain each scenario and how important the "seed" having good soil and the right eleements produces the best crop. Our surrondings, our "soil" it is all so important to producing the best crop.

Year two i believe we have still been learning in this seed starting business and its been so fun to learn all the things. We were able to purchase bulk soil this year which did in fact help with keeping that consistent. We have found great places to get the seeds! We recently switched up our lighting, last year at this time we were starting to transition to our small greenhouse. This year, it is still pretty chilly at night. Heck it is even chilly during the day! We have some new varieties so we are learning each and every day how to grow them the best way we can! We are rearranging areas to start seeds, and its officially taken over the basement. We have been looking at the calendar and adjusting some of our plant dates so we can have blooms as early as we can for you! Basically, we have been spending a lot of time learning, relearning, and sowing seeds.

I truly believe that every year is going to be different for us, and we are learning along the way. Today's bible study reminded me that even the best seeds need to be taken care of, nurtured, watered, well lit, and that every single step we take will lead us to that crop we are so excited for. So tonight when i spend a little more time with them I will think about the crop this summer. Sunshine, green grass, and ALL The BLOOMS!

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